Noel Israel Owiti v Joseph Magero & another [2020] eKLR Case Summary

Court: High Court of Kenya at Siaya

Category: Civil

Judge(s): R. E. Aburili

Judgment Date: January 29, 2020

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary    Full Judgment     


Explore the case summary of Noel Israel Owiti v Joseph Magero & another [2020] eKLR, highlighting key legal principles and outcomes for better understanding.

Case Brief: Noel Israel Owiti v Joseph Magero & another [2020] eKLR

1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Noel Israel Owiti v. Joseph Magero & Chairman, B.O.G. Sawagongo High School
- Case Number: Civil Appeal No. 6 of 2019
- Court: High Court of Kenya at Siaya
- Date Delivered: January 29, 2020
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): R. E. Aburili
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented:
The central legal issues presented in this appeal include:
1. Whether the trial court erred in declining to award the appellant the costs of future medical expenses.
2. Whether the trial court properly exercised its discretion in awarding the appellant Kshs 100,000 as general damages for pain and suffering.

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